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Production (3)
Mind the gap – how independent producers can tap into user-generated video and compete with deep-pocketed streaming counterparts
Online demand for content grew as the world went into lockdown, a demand that continues to surge...
2 minute read
MIPCOM Factual Trends: Activism, social change and the importance of UGV in informing, educating and entertaining audiences through diverse storytelling
There’s a long-standing three-way relationship between popular culture, social change, and the...
2 minute read
All-access sports shows, and how UGV can help drive established audiences to the factual genre
Sport has always provided the playbook for successfully engaging audiences, and live sports shows...
1 minute read
MIPCOM Factual Trends: Why UGV is proving to be a great medium for innovative modern history programming
TV has always been a powerful medium for delivering compelling and engaging insights into history...
1 minute read
Why the freshest new programmes are being made using user-generated video
It can’t have escaped your notice that social video platforms are trying to steal your audiences...
2 minute read
A new era of factual and unscripted: Discover and trade fresh new content at MIPCOM with user-generated video
According to Deadline, there is a widespread sense of optimism amongst TV buyers that the next...
2 minute read
MIPCOM 2021: Harnessing audiences, to grow audiences
According to Forbes, primetime ratings for broadcast television have dropped precipitously in the...
2 minute read
MIPCOM 2021: Maximising the show experience with user-generated video
So, it’s almost here - MIPCOM 2021, the world's largest exhibition of studios and distributors. It...
2 minute read
Original programming for the holiday season: Why producers must spread a little UGV cheer this Christmas
Christmas television viewing figures fell to the lowest level on record in 2020, with the number of...
1 minute read
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