Looking back on productions big pivot to user-generated video two years after the world shut down
It's been almost 2 years since the coronavirus spread across the world. The rapid transmissions of the virus meant that by April 2020, over 100 countries worldwide had instituted either a full or partial lockdown, which affected billions of people.
The demand for content grew as the world went into lockdown, but it also necessitated the shutting of creative productions all over the world. Audiences therefore swarmed to social media to seek out the interactions they were no longer experiencing in the real world.
The lockdown UGV opportunity
Amongst the chaos people everywhere found their voices, shared, and amplified their experiences through the medium of user-generated video (UGV). Through the power of UGV the world continued to share experiences, building authentic connections, and learning new things. It helped people everywhere stay entertained during lockdown and inspired many to pick up their camera to entertain others and cheer one another on through adversity.
Savvy producers and creative teams also spotted the UGV opportunity and the solution it offered to the multi-faceted challenges they faced - remote working, lack of resources, budget constraints, halted production schedules, the battle for relevance, and reduced agility to respond to a fast-changing world. Typical polished, high-production programmes and advertisements were replaced, and content made by non-professionals quickly became the norm.
The pivot continues
In the two years since the start of the coronavirus lockdown, UGV has stopped being a way to plug the creative content gap and has instead become an embedded part of modern production technique.
A positive legacy of the pandemic is that viewers continue to express their preference for a deeper connection to the viewing experience. UGV has stepped out from the fringes of entertainment and into the mainstream because of its unparalleled authenticity, connection, relevance to the audience, and ability to be truly immersive.
For production and creative teams, UGV captures otherwise unseen and untold moments in raw and exciting ways that simply cannot be created, and as such, helps to deliver truly compelling narratives and the deeper connection to the action audiences crave. UGV also offers a low cost but high profit alternative to traditional production, and a chance to dynamically respond to the new audience agenda with compelling new stories and fresh experiences.

Are you about to make a pandemic anniversary production?
Newsflare’s constantly growing global membership of filmers are out there capturing life as it happens, uploading new clips all day, every day, to our huge, ever-expanding vault. It’s alive with diverse, emotionally powerful content and fresh ideas that will resonate deeply with audiences.
If you’re seeking to pitch or are currently in production for a documentary show, film, or campaign about the pandemic, or indeed any monumental moment in history, then get in touch with Newsflare and we will help you uncover the new, timely, unexpected, disruptive, and unique content you need.
In fact, why not take a look at our vast library of pandemic content now and get inspired. #capturethemoment
Take a look at our practical guide for producers looking to get started UGV. Or get in touch with a member of our production team and we can help you get started.