2020: the year first-person video came of age










The creativity, skill, humour and bravery shown by our global community of 40,000-plus members this year has been astounding. From a global pandemic, to the killing of George Floyd, wildfires in Australia and California, storms in Asia and the most bitterly contested US election ever, Newsflare's members were there, telling the most important stories of the year.

In 2020, we put our faith in each other like we’d never done before. We craved contact, but connected online. We searched for understanding and celebrated humanity.

Through the power of first-person video, we shared experiences, forged real connections and simply learned new stuff. We learned to entertain ourselves during quarantine. And Newsflare's members made it their mission to entertain others, cheering each other on through adversity. Because when the outside world was closed to us, we still wanted to be emotionally connected to every story as it unfolded.

As misinformation rose during the time of a pandemic and a US election, many turned to first-person video as an alternative - trusted, authentic, real. Because we still wanted an undiluted and true understanding of events shaping the world.

Watch this selection of exceptional Newsflare video captured in 2020, the year in which first-person video truly came of age.


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